Volunteer Or Internship Opportunities

The Town of Elon has a variety of opportunities for students to engage with the Town. From volunteering downtown or at the parks to interning with one of the Town departments, we strive to make your time in Elon productive and enjoyable.

When deciding on what you would like to do, please consider these three questions.
What are you interested in?
How many hours do you need?
Are you wanting to partner with a business?
This will help us guide you in the right direction.


Internships with the various town departments can be arranged based off your major and interest. To inquire about an internship with the Town, please contact the department head for the area you would like to intern.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are highly desired and appreciated by the staff of the Town of Elon. Whether it is working an event, sharing your knowledge, or helping fight a fire, we always need volunteers to help out.

To volunteer with Downtown Development, contact Jill Weston.
To volunteer with the Fire Department, contact Charles Walker and complete this application form.
To volunteer with the Recreation and Parks, contact Kim Brown.