What companies do I contact for services to my home or business?
Here is a list of numbers and links to their websites for utilities within this area. This list is neither all encompassing nor an endorsement.
Piedmont Natural Gas    800.752.7504
Duke Energy                    336.538.0015
AT&T                                 800.288.2020
Spectrum                          833.267.6094
I need to determine what utilities are in my yard.
Before you dig, contact NC811 utility location services. The 811 service is free of charge to all excavators. North Carolina 811 also takes requests from those persons who do not plan to excavate but wish to find out what utilities are in a particular area. These types of requests are referred to as Survey/Design locate requests and they require a 10 business day notice.

Please keep trees and shrubs cleared of street lights, so light can be projected properly. This is the responsibility of the homeowner.  Report any other is at the following website to Duke Energy. Street & Area Light Repair portal

North Carolina 811 provides a toll free number, 1-800-632-4949, that can be reached from anywhere in the continental United States or you may dial 811 within North Carolina. North Carolina 811 does not mark utility lines; we do provide an easy communication link between excavators and utility owners.